Springer Nature Computer Science


Springer Nature Computer Science

Section: Dependable Cyber-Physical Systems and Cyber Security

Section Editor

  • Deepak Puthal, Khalifa University, UAE; Email: deepak.puthal@ieee.org
  • Niranjan K Ray, KIIT University, India; Email: niranjan.rayfcs@kiit.ac.in

Deadline: OPEN

Raked: Q1 - Scopus

The theme of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) is a rapidly growing area of research and development, bringing together the fields of engineering and computer science. CPS can include a variety of components such as sensors, actuators, controllers, and networks that work together to monitor, control, and optimize physical processes in a wide range of applications such as transportation, healthcare, manufacturing, energy, and more. Dependable CPS can detect and diagnose faults, and take appropriate actions to ensure continued operation or graceful degradation. With the increasing reliance on CPS, there is a growing need for secure and resilient systems.

This section aims to address the current challenges and recent advances in dependable CPS and security design, modeling, and verification. Topics that fall within this section are as follows:

Dependable Cyber-Physical systems

Cyber Security

Emerging Technologies in Cyber-Physical systems

Important Instructions

Journal Homepage: https://link.springer.com/journal/42979

Submission Link: https://www.editorialmanager.com/sncs/default2.aspx

Submission Guidelines: https://www.springer.com/journal/42979/submission-guidelines

Submission Note: Select the "Dependable Cyber-Physical Systems and Cyber Security" under the "General Information" section while submitting.